- 学生が他国で必要単位を履修したといったような場合は例外としてよいだろう.
exceptions may be made, for example, when students have earned the necessary credits at schools in other countries 意味
- "exceptionally sensible" 意味
- "exceptionally warm day" 意味
- "exceptionally-reactive" 意味
- "exceptions abound" 意味
- "exceptions clause" 意味
- "exceptions occur, but not often enough to throw doubt on the validity of the principle" 意味
- "exceptions to something" 意味
- "exceptis excipiendis" 意味
- "exceptive" 意味
- "exceptions abound" 意味
- "exceptions clause" 意味
- "exceptions occur, but not often enough to throw doubt on the validity of the principle" 意味
- "exceptions to something" 意味